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dirty dozen plus the clean 15

The Dirty Dozen Plus the Clean 15

Eating fresh produce is the best way to obtain the nutrients that support optimum health, but the pesticides used on many crops remain a major health concern of the Dirty Dozen Plus. By choosing organic foods, you can reap the health benefits of fruits and vegetables without exposing yourself and your family to potentially harmful chemicals. Pesticides present real health risks, particularly to children and those with health concerns. The toxicity most commonly associated with pesticides in animal studies include disruptions in the normal functioning of the nervous and endocrine system, and increased risks of  cancer, as well as, lower…

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Gluten-Free Pizza

Gluten Sensitivity: Is Gluten Free Right for Me?

Let’s start with a recap on why you won’t see wheat (white, enriched, semolina, whole wheat or multi-grain) based pastas in the Optimum Health Rehab pantry: The consumption of wheat flour products increases inflammation in the body Wheat flour can disrupt the good intestinal bacteria in your digestive system Diagnosed with Celiac Disease or Gluten Sensitivity Not sure if you may have a gluten sensitivity? Here's a recap of some symptoms: Foggy Brain Depression ADHD-like Bloating Diarrhea Constipation Headaches Bone or Joint Pain Chronic Fatigue Try these tasty gluten-free options instead Spaghetti Squash Noodles - made from Spaghetti Squash - yes,…

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Woman Eating Salad

Fighting Disease – Save Money and Eat Better

Did you know every time you eat or drink you’re either feeding or fighting disease? If you don’t recognize an ingredient, your body won’t either. If you think eating healthy is expensive, wait until you see the medical bills from eating cheap crappy food. The incidence of obesity and disease has risen over the last 30 years. Currently, over 60% of Americans are overweight. We are consuming an abundance of food with little or no nutritional value. Food serves more than just to satisfy hunger or cravings. Food also turns on and off gene receptors that control metabolism, lifespan, and disease risks. It…

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