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Author: Optimum Health

Are you looking for some delicious and healthy organic snacks that are easy to prepare? Check some of the healthy organic snacks that you can do for yourself.

healthy organic snacks

All these healthy organic snacks are very outside tasting great, very healthy for you.

  • Veggie sticks – a simple, obvious choice frequently overlooked for its very simplicity. It’s easy to chop up carrots, celery, bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, zucchini or squash, broccoli, cauliflower, etc., you get the idea. Just pick your favorites,  keep it seasonal and organic as much as possible.
  • Hummus – a great accompaniment for your veggies, providing you with the right amount of a protein/ fat combo. Again, buy the highest quality. Stay away from versions with preservatives and oils like canola or soybean. Better yet, make your own!
  • Homemade Trail Mix – create your own using your personal favs like raw or dry roasted almonds, cashews, walnuts, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, and dried fruit. Buy these separately from the bulk bins at the grocery store to save some serious cash and to create several versions. Remember, use the dried fruit sparingly and be mindful of serving sizes (a small handful is sufficient).
  • Fresh Fruit – nature’s convenience food, grapes, bananas, apples, peaches, pears, berries, etc.  Be mindful of serving sizes and pair it with a protein/fat combo to minimize blood sugar impact. Also, buy seasonal and organic whenever possible.
  • Almond Butter – this is a great accompaniment to the above-mentioned fruit as it provides the perfect protein/fat combo to offset blood sugar impact. Whenever possible, fresh ground is best but also look for pre-made options without added sugars or fats.
  • Plain Greek Yogurt – another great protein/fat option to pair with your fruit. Be sure to add the fruit when you’re ready to eat the yogurt. You can add some stevia, a bit of raw organic honey, or maple syrup(no more than 1 tsp) if you want to sweeten it up a bit. Natural vanilla extract or cinnamon are yummy additions too.
  • Green Smoothie – is a healthy and delicious option. Blend your favorite high-quality protein powder (whey, vegan, or hemp) along with 2 cups of kale, 2 large stalks of celery, ½ cucumber, ½ grapefruit, and 1 cup frozen pineapple (keep it organic whenever possible) with water, unsweetened almond or coconut milk. Let us know if you think it tastes like sweet tarts candy!

These are a few of our favorites among the healthy organic snacks we have reviewed. No matter how busy you are, it’s possible to make healthy organic snacks a part of your daily routine and also to improve your fitness. We want to hear from you, so be sure to share with us in the comments some of your favorite healthy organic snacks.

Know More About Healthy Organic Snacks

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