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Author: Optimum Health

Food allergies are well known in our society. These allergies are an immune system response that is typically characterized by hives, shortness of breath, digestive system upset and in some rare cases severe symptoms that can lead to a medical emergency. The most common food allergies are to nuts, shellfish, wheat and dairy. According to the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network about 4% of the United States population has a food allergy.
Digestion and Gastrotitis Problem

Food intolerance, on the other hand, is much more common than food allergies and is characterized by digestive disorders, migraines, obesity, chronic fatigue, aching joints, skin disorders and behavioral issues. Food intolerance (hypersensitivity) is not just sensitivity to food but would also include food additives/colorings and other chemical contaminants in our food that can alter our moods and lead directly or indirectly to a constant state of low energy as well as other symptoms. It has been stated that upwards of 70-80% of the U.S. population has a food intolerance. Unfortunately for many, those food intolerance symptoms are often identified as individual problems and treated as such, thus treating the symptoms and not the cause.

Some of the conditions that are commonly related to food intolerance’s would include the following; Migraines are painful, sometimes disabling headaches that are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, noise, and smell. These throbbing headaches usually occur on only one side of the head, although the pain can shift from one side of the head to the other, or can occur on both sides at the same time. Migraines involve changes in chemicals and blood vessels in the brain, which trigger pain signals leading to headache and other symptoms. In many people, migraines are triggered by certain foods or smells. Eliminating exposure to these triggers may stop the headaches.

People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome frequently have sensitivities to foods, chemicals and other inhalants. These may be classical allergies or food and chemical intolerance. Patients showing evidence of this often find that the management of these sensitivities can be an essential part of improvement or recovery from the illness. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an intestinal disorder that causes abdominal pain or discomfort, cramping or bloating, and diarrhea or constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome is a long-term but manageable condition.

The expression “you are what you eat” would best be explained as “you are what you digest”. Everyone’s digestive system is unique. Understanding your digestive health and what impacts it is essential to promoting optimum health. If you feel you are currently nourishing your body correctly and treating your digestive tract well but still have digestive complaints, food sensitivities may need to be addressed so that you can get to the underlying causes of your poor digestion, resolve them, and begin reaping the health benefits of optimum digestion. Ignoring it will not make it go away.

Eczema is a general term encompassing various inflamed skin conditions. One of the most common forms of eczema is atopic dermatitis (or “atopic eczema”). Approximately 10 percent to 20 percent of the world population is affected by this chronic, relapsing, and very itchy rash at some point during childhood. Eczema flare-ups can be prevented through careful management of your diet. One such way is by identifying food triggers that cause your eczema to flare-up.

It’s true that we gain weight when we eat more than we can burn off. But this conventional diet wisdom does not always hold true. Weight gain can also be caused by health conditions such as food sensitivity, hypothyroidism, prescription drug use, anxiety and blood sugar imbalance. Many people respond to stress or depression by eating excessively.

Reactions to foods are not always immediate. They can occur many hours later as bloating and swelling in the hands, feet, ankles, abdomen, chin and around the eyes. Much of the weight gained is fluid retention caused by inflammation and the release of certain hormones. In addition, there is fermentation of foods, particularly carbohydrates, in the intestines which can result in a swollen distended belly and gas production. Food sensitivities can cause weight gain. Yes, it’s possible to have no other symptoms. You can’t count on seeing runny noses or sneezes with some food sensitivities. Instead, a person’s body perceives the food as a poison and limits digestion of nutrients, thus causing the body to store fat.

Fibromyalgia is an arthritis-related condition that is characterized by generalized muscular pain and fatigue. It is estimated to affect about 2 percent of the U.S. population today. While there is no specific diet for all fibromyalgia cases, different symptoms may suggest ways of improving your health through diet. If your body overreacts to certain foods, it could worsen conditions ranging from digestive troubles (gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea) to fatigue, headache or migraine, joint pain, mood disorders, muscle aches, and skin problems.

Optimum Health Rehab Provide the Right Test for Food Sensitivities

Optimum Health Rehab is proud to offer the latest in diagnostic testing for food sensitivities. Our Food Sensitivity Test, unlike traditional food tests like the scratch test, which depend on an allergic response, examines your white blood cell reactions to a variety of foods and chemicals including common medications like Tylenol, penicillin, and Advil. Our test is not an allergy test. Once you know why your body is reacting negatively to your diet, change is an easy remedy. Call us today at 877-704-1761 for a free consult to see if the Food Sensitivity Test is right for you.

Nutrition & Healthy Eating, Food sensitivity
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