Neurological disorders create severe limitations and discomfort in patients. These disorders stem from injury and disease that limit movements and create weakened muscles.
Patients who leave their condition untreated will find long-term, if not permanent, side effects.
When patients seek help from a physical rehabilitative center like Optimum Health Rehab Marietta, they place their trust in an experienced team of physical therapists and staff who care and work to help them get better.
Don’t let neurological disease or injury negatively impact your quality of life and independence. Our staff is ready to help you work towards managing your condition or injury and start your journey toward recovery.
Give us a call at (678) 335-4865 to schedule your initial appointment, or visit us online.
How Our Marietta Neurology Treatment Services Can Help You
At Optimum Health Rehab, patients visit us seeking help with their neurological condition. Before administering any treatment program, we discuss what our patients are experiencing and what treatments or lifestyle changes have previously helped with their issues.
Neurological injuries and disease may substantially limit one’s ability to move, lift, and carry items. These limits present new challenges to patients’ lifestyles and even their quality of life.
However, treatments available may help reduce and, in some cases, eliminate symptoms from neurological conditions altogether.
At Optimum Health Rehab Marietta, our team works hard to tailor a custom program that will work for you. We don’t look to prescribe solutions; we strive to meet patients regularly to help them with accountability and lifestyle choices.
Our goal isn’t just to provide a temporary solution to your neurological condition but to find a sustainable way to manage those symptoms for the future. Finding an effective treatment to tackle your neurological illness or injury will help you live a happier, healthier life.
Types of Neurology Services
There are several types of services available to our neurology patients. These services may be recommended depending on where you are on your neurological treatment plan:
- Neurological evaluations
- Exercise and oxygen therapy
- Physical rehabilitative therapy
- Pain management injections
- Regenerative therapies
Performing Initial Diagnostics
Our neurology treatment experts begin working with patients through an initial evaluation. This evaluation will use their experience and well-equipped diagnostic suites to analyze your injuries and condition to develop a custom physical rehabilitation plan.
Some of our diagnostic tools include MRIs, X-ray imaging, and Nerve conduction velocity testing (NVC). The latter test stimulates a nerve with mild electrical impulses and then measures the speed and time electrical impulses require to travel between electrodes.
Our staff will ask about your medical and lifestyle history, learn your habits and areas of weakness or numbness, and conduct a more thorough evaluation. You may also be asked to complete the following tests.
Cranial Nerve Tests
Seeing how the brain’s nerves function helps develop a treatment plan that will work best for you. Treatment plans are not always the same, so each patient will find their plan uniquely tailored to treat their condition or injury.
Cranial nerve testing checks your hearing and eyes, asking you to smile and touch your face. In addition, you may be asked to shrug your shoulders, turn your head, and stick out your tongue to learn more about your mobility limitations and the severity of your condition.
Mental Status
This analysis will be completed as you discuss your condition and goals with our staff to learn about your awareness of your surroundings. Treatment plans require the ability to process and consent to exercises and therapy, which we want to ensure is possible.
Motor Function and Balance
Knowing where you have muscle and limb weakness is key to determining the best treatment type. This test is more physical and will require you to participate in different exercises and movements to check your range of motion and balance.
Some patients are asked to stand up and walk short distances to test stability.
Sensory Function
Awareness of your surroundings and what you are touching is important when dealing with neurological conditions and injury. A sensory test typically involves the patient describing or identifying an object placed in their hands.
If the patient cannot describe or identify an object, it may indicate nerve damage.
Why Seek Neurological Treatments?
Physical rehabilitative therapy is a critical component for patients who have experienced neurological injury or are battling a related disease. Without treatment, patients may quickly lose function controlled by that part of the brain, affecting their ability to perform daily activities and compromising their independence.
Patients seek neurological treatment to address conditions like:
- Brain injury
- Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Spinal cord injury
- Stroke
Brain Injury
Brain injuries are dangerous in that they do not present symptoms right away. Typically occurring after an accident, patients may display changes in their personality, sleeping habits, and cognitive functions.
Brain injuries cannot be self-diagnosed and require a medical evaluation and testing before confirmation of the condition is found. Some of the most common brain injuries are:
- Traumatic brain injury, also known as a TBI
- A concussion, which can be mild or severe
Both conditions are serious and can have long-term effects if not treated properly. The sooner the patient seeks medical and therapy for their diagnoses, the smoother their recovery will be.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
This rare disorder is when the body’s immune system attacks the nervous system, leading to severe nerve and muscle damage. Patients suffer from weak muscles — and, in the worst conditions, loss of use of that part of their body altogether.
People older than 50 tend to be at a higher risk of this disease, which results from battling a serious infection with a virus or bacteria. Fortunately, most patients fully recover and can live their lives as before experiencing the symptoms of this illness.
Multiple Sclerosis
Referred to as MS, multiple sclerosis is a long-lasting and chronic illness that affects the central nervous system. The disease affects the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord, which are the primary components of the human nervous system.
Patients with MS experience numbness, tingling, mood changes, memory problems, and more. The symptoms of the disease affect the whole body, and it is not unheard of for someone facing blindness or paralysis as a result.
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease affects about 10 million people across the globe. It is a neurological disorder that primarily affects dopamine-producing neurons in one particular part of the brain.
Symptoms of the condition include tremors and shaking, slow movements, limb stiffness, and postural instability (called gait). Unfortunately, this disease is progressive, but the symptoms are manageable with proper medication, treatment, and lifestyle adjustments.
Spinal Cord Injury
Sports injuries and car accidents are just a couple of examples of events that may lead to spinal cord injuries. The spinal cord’s function is to send signals between the brain and the body to complete daily operations.
Spinal cord injuries may often cause permanent weakness, loss of feelings, and bodily malfunctions, especially at the site of the injury. Patients with spinal cord injuries experience symptoms that can compromise their ability to control their arms and legs.
Spinal cord injuries are identified as either complete or incomplete, whereas if it is complete, there is a complete loss of sensation and mobility under the area of injury. Some patients suffer from paraplegia and quadriplegia as a result of their injury.
Strokes affect people of all ages but are more common in older adults. They affect the arteries leading to and inside the brain and are the fifth leading cause of disability in the US.
Strokes occur when a clot is formed and is carried through the bloodstream until it creates a block in a blood vessel or artery, preventing the brain from receiving oxygen. As a result, people who have a stroke face brain damage that leads to loss of movement in half of their body, including their facial features.
The road to recovery for stroke victims is long and has its own nuances. Although it may not be possible to recover movement from a stroke fully, it is possible to manage symptoms and regain some mobility with hard work and consistency.
Combining Services for Maximum Effectiveness
Depending on the neurological condition and symptoms you face, we may recommend treatments from our other experts at our Marietta facility. Possible treatments you may wish to receive in order to maximize your improvement include:
- Chiropractic adjustments
- Nutritional counseling
- Physical rehabilitation
- PRP injections
- Massage
Work With Experienced Marietta Neurology Treatment Specialists
Facing a neurological condition or injury can present many challenges in one’s ability to do everyday tasks and activities. But with quality physical therapy and neurological treatments, you can work with a team that will target the cause of your symptoms to make them more manageable and, in some cases, improved or cured completely.
Ready to see how we can help? Contact the Marietta office of Optimum Health Rehab today to schedule your first appointment.
Our team is ready to work with you toward improving your symptoms and limited mobility and helping with your pain management. To schedule your first appointment, you may reach us at (678) 335-4865 or by completing our online form.